Monday, June 04, 2007

The meaning of the 3 Beas names

D returned my tag with this one.

Proposition: What is the meaning of your kid(s)'s name?Requirements: write about what or how or why you gave the name to your kids.Quantity: FIVE PEOPLE.Tag Mode:1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by commenting in their blog or etc.
Msau The meaning of SQ and Kiki
Shopping Mum The meaning of Justin and Isabell
Judy Chow Terry
Shannon Rachel
Samm Gordon n Malcolm
Sasha lil J
mott 2 monkeys
Fatty Poh's Fatty Boy
D Abang Z, Abang H, Princess & Little D
mama23beas, the meaning of the 3 Beas names

I always love "Bea" but I never thought that we would name all 3 girls with that. Bea means "blessed". And fullname or without the "Bea", all girls' name have a meaning, from different origins though.

1. Bea1; fullname: brilliant, without the Bea: noble
2. Bea2: fullname: good news/omen, without the Bea: beauty
3. Bea3: fullname: good vision, without the Bea: night

If we want to continue with naming all girls with Bea, think we have run out of ideas. That's why I'm happy now we are having a boy, I'm happy with "Adam".

I know I'm not being a sport, but I just can't think of anyone to tag now. Anyone who love to do this, please let me know, ok;).


Blogger D said...

Well done! HeHe... So, nama anak-anak you macam nombor keta ke? Bea1 (Biwan/Bisatu), Bea2 (Bitu/Bidua), Bea3 (Bithree/Bitiga)?? LOL.. Jangan marah. saja curious nak tau their real names gak! bole?

11:23 PM  
Blogger mama23beas said...

A bit reluctant la...but I have it say out loud in a parenting forum for years now;). Ok la Beatrisya, Beasyara and Beanisha are my lovely girls.
One of the readers asked now with a boy, what index I want to start hehe..

5:20 AM  
Anonymous Lori Weber said...

Thanks, great blog post

7:47 PM  

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